
Each year, the Dresher Center for the Humanities provides residential and non-residential fellowships to UMBC faculty, graduate students, and outside scholars who are pursuing humanities research. These fellowships offer the gift of time, space, and collegial conversation within a robust humanities center environment. While pursuing their research projects, fellows also participate in Dresher Center programs, including the “Fellows and Others” series, “CURRENTS: Humanities Work Now” works-in-progress sessions, Humanities Forum public events, and other workshops and activities.

Dresher Center Residential Faculty Research Fellowships

Meet our Fellows

Residential Faculty Research Fellowships are available to full-time UMBC tenured or tenure-track faculty who are pursuing humanities research. Fellows reside at least one day per week in the Dresher Center and receive a release from teaching in order to work on significant humanities research projects or the training necessary to embark on such projects. Residential fellows also participate in a range of Dresher Center programs and activities. Residential fellows have the use of an office in the Dresher Center, student research assistance, as well as access to the Center’s administrative and research development services.


Dresher Center Summer Fellowships

Meet our Fellows

Up to three Dresher Center Summer Fellowships are awarded annually to full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty (individuals or groups) from the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. This funding is intended to support and promote significant humanities research at UMBC and can be used for the completion of book manuscripts, major articles, or projects of a similar stature. Dresher Center Summer Fellows also receive assistance from the Center in developing extramural funding applications and book proposals.


Dresher Center Summer Fellowships for Teaching Professors and Part-Time Faculty

Meet our Fellows

One Dresher Center Summer Fellowships is awarded annually to lecturers and adjunct faculty (individuals or groups) from the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. This funding is intended to support and promote significant humanities research at UMBC and can be used for the completion of book manuscripts, major articles, or projects of a similar stature. Dresher Center Summer Fellows also receive assistance from the Center in developing extramural funding applications and book proposals.


Dresher Center Graduate Student Research Fellowships

Meet our Fellows

These fellowships are available to UMBC doctoral and master’s level students working on humanities-related research projects that will culminate in a dissertation or master’s thesis. Two one-semester graduate fellowships are awarded annually. Graduate Student Research Fellows receive support for research travel, materials, or other research expenses. Fellows participate in Dresher Center programs, such as “CURRENTS: Humanities Work Now,” and attend the Humanities Forum and other activities.