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Anti-Racism and Action: Our Roles Now

Third Drop-In Session: Health Disparities and COVID-19



Date & Time

September 11, 2020, 1:00 pm2:30 pm


The Dresher Center for the Humanities, Center for Social Science Scholarship, Center for Innovation, Research, and Creativity in the Arts and the Imaging Research Center invite you to attend the third Anti-Racism and Action: Our Roles Now Drop-in Session on Friday September 11th at 1:00 P.M. to consider how we can continue to use our roles as faculty, staff, teachers, chairs/directors, graduate students, or mentors to work toward racial justice, social change, civic action, community action, and pedagogical engagement. This session follows the momentum started in the first two Anti-Racism and Action sessions held on June 12 and July 24.

The focus of this session will be a conversation about Health Disparities and COVID-19. COVID-19 is yet another phenomenon where people experience tragic neglect and mistreatment that reveal structural inequities caused by racist systems. In this Drop-In Session we will discuss research efforts by faculty to help policymakers and other stakeholders see how the dynamics of a racialized society produce such deleterious effects. In addition to specific projects, we will orient discussion toward further defining the unique and critical role university-based research can have in meeting the challenges or the pandemic.

Please register here for this event and submit your questions, resources, or goals for action that you would like to see addressed in the session. We will follow up with a Google Meet invitation before the Sept 11th session.

Questions? Contact Courtney Hobson: chobson1@umbc.edu