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Summer Lunch & Learn: Mary Washington

Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Maryland Electoral Politics


Performing Arts & Humanities Building : 132

Date & Time

June 11, 2019, 12:00 pm1:00 pm


UMBC Summer Special Session Programs presents Summer Lunch & Learn:

FREE lunch! Join us for a series of informal talks on a variety of interdisciplinary topics. Meet other students, connect with UMBC faculty, broaden your knowledge, and prepare for a successful career.

Students and faculty are invited to attend one or all of these talks. Lunch is on us!

Join Baltimore City’s Senator Mary Washington for a conversation about race, gender, sexuality and electoral politics. Fresh off her first year as a Maryland State Senator, Washington will discuss the importance of electoral politics, and the role of race, gender, and sexuality in running for office, voting, and making policy for all of us. Senator Washington will also share her experiences running for office—and how you can too.

Bio: Senator Mary Washington is originally from Philadelphia, and arrived in Baltimore to earn a Masters and Ph.D. in sociology from Johns Hopkins University. She won her second campaign for 43rd District Delegate in 2010. She became the first openly LGBT African American elected official in Maryland—and only the second in any state legislature in the country. In 2018 she unseated longtime incumbent Senator Joan Carter Conway, winning the campaign by about 500 votes. Senator Washington has led legislative fights for marriage equality, equitable school funding, access to affordable water for all, and landmark bills to prevent shacking of incarcerated women in labor and to keep people from losing their homes to an unpaid water bill.