Funding for Research

The Dresher Center for the Humanities provides funding to faculty (tenure-track and non-tenure track) and advanced graduate students.

Lecturer and Adjunct Faculty Research Fund – This fund is intended to provide research-related support to lecturers and adjunct faculty pursuing humanities-based research in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, whether employed full- or part-time. Adjunct faculty must be teaching at UMBC at the time of application with the expectation that they will also teach at UMBC sometime in the following academic semester or year following funding.

Scholarly Completion Fund – This fund is intended to support full-time faculty and Ph.D. students in the humanities in completing the final stages of a research project. Funds can be used to support research travel, a publication subvention, indexing, purchase of a computer or software, or other such research-related expenses. The maximum award to an individual is $5,000 (there is no minimum) and all funding requests will be reviewed by the Dresher Center Advisory Board.

Scholarly Development Fund – This fund is intended to provide research-related support to UMBC full-time faculty or graduate (M.A., M.F.A., and Ph.D.) students in the humanities. The maximum award to an individual is $2,000 (there is no minimum) and all funding requests will be reviewed by the Dresher Center Advisory Board.