Fragmenting Vision in Contemporary American Militarism
Library and Gallery, Albin O. Kuhn
Date & Time
April 9, 2015, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Rebecca Adelman, Assistant Professor, Media and Communication Studies, UMBC
Microscopic War: Fragmenting Vision in Contemporary American Militarism
Editors manipulate the tiniest elements of digital images to obscure combat atrocities. The U.S. Army invests deeply in a pixelated camouflage pattern that it expects will keep soldiers safely invisible. The NSA disaggregates human targets into miniscule bits of information. These
seemingly disparate phenomena comprise a microscopic visual approach to
militarization. It is here that Adelman considers the links between
pixelized photos of violence committed by American military personnel,
the Army’s failed multi-year, multi-billion dollar experiment with
‘digital’ camouflage, and the NSA’s approach to “identity intelligence,”
built on the smallest pieces of data. All of these efforts at
fragmentation promised to solve problems unique to contemporary war:
soldiers’ unregulated use of digital cameras in the field, battles
fought on multiplying fronts, and unconventional, undetectable threats.
And in every instance, fragmentation failed: uncensored pictures are
readily available, digital camouflage rendered soldiers more visible,
and Edward Snowden leaked the documents detailing the NSA’s plans. These
failures expose the limits of state power over the visual, dependent as
it is on the smallest of things, while this new visual culture of
fragmentation raises urgent questions about what it means to be a
citizen, a spectator, and a subject.
After earning her Ph.D. in Comparative Studies from The Ohio State University
in 2009, Rebecca A. Adelman joined the UMBC Department of Media &
Communication Studies as an Assistant Professor. She is also affiliate
faculty in Gender and Women’s Studies. Adelman’s research and teaching
interests include visual culture, citizenship, and cultural studies of
terrorism and war. She has published on spectatorship, transparency, and
visual ethics, methodologies, and pedagogies as they intersect with
militarized violence. Her first book, Beyond the Checkpoint: Visual Practices in America’s Global War on Terror
(University of Massachusetts Press, 2014), maps the visual circuits
linking the terrorized American nation-state, its citizens, and its
enemies by exploring the practices of image creation, circulation, and
consumption that animate these relationships. She is working on a new
project about imagination and affect in wartime that explores the
intersections of fantasy, violence, and sentimentality as they coalesce
around certain militarized figures.
Sponsored by the Dresher Center for the Humanities and the Media and Communication Studies Department.