Previous Dresher Center Summer Fellows

Irina Golubeva, Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
Project: Digital Humanities Pedagogy in Action: Insights from a telecollaboration exploring inclusiveness of university campuses through art

Tanya Saunders, Language, Literacy, and Culture
Project: Estéticas do Bapho: Queering Black Brazilian Artivism and the Politics of Black Liberation

Michael Nance, Philosophy
Project: Money and Value in Fichte’s Political Economy

Constantine Vaporis, History
Project: The Samurai in Fourteen Lives

Charissa Cheah, Psychology
Project: Racial-Ethnic and Advocacy Socialization in Chinese American Families during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Erin Hogan, Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
Project: Patriarchy’s Remains

Bill Shewbridge, Media and Communication Studies
Project: “I’ve Endured”: The Music and Legacy of Ola Belle Reed

Earl Brooks, English
Project: Black Sonorities: Rhetoric and Black Music

Marjoleine Kars, History
Project: Motley Passages: Movement and Metamorphosis in Atlantic Slavery and Freedom

Whitney Schwab, Philosophy
Project: The Origin of the Concept of Knowledge

Christy Chapin, History
Project: Politics and Money: Finance Capitalism and the U.S. Economy

Liz Patton, Media and Communication Studies
Project: Easy Living: Representations of Work in the American Home

Nianshen Song, History
Project: The West Pagoda: Three and a Half Centuries of a Chinese Neighborhood

Eric Campbell, Philosophy
Project: Pragmatic Naturalism

Raphael Falco, English
Project: No One to Meet: Bob Dylan and the Sibling Arts

Jennifer Maher, English
Project: Race, Space, and Freedom: The Ongoing Fight for Mobility Rights

Nicole King, American Studies
Project: Baltimore Revisted: Rethinking and Remaking a Right to the City

Michele Osherow, English
Project: Keeping the Girls in Stitches: Embroidering Biblical Narrative in the Seventeenth Century

Meredith Oyen, History
Project: Shanghai Survivors: World War Two’s Displaced Persons in Asia and the International Politics of Refugee Resettlement

Erin Hogan, Modern Languages, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication
Project: Prosopopeia and the Gothic Child in Contemporary Spanish Film

Christine Mallinson, Language, Literacy, and Culture
Project: Data Collection in Sociolinguistics: Methods and Applications (2nd Edition)

Susan McDonough, History
Project: Vile Sluts and Gassy Whores? Prostitutes and Cultural Exchange in the Medieval Mediterranean

Nicoleta Bazgan, Modern Languages, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication
Project: Parisiennes: City Women in French Cinema

Piotr Gwiazda, English
Project: Translation of Zero Visibility: Poems by Grzegorz Wróblewski

Michael Nance, Philosophy
Project: Anarchy, Legitimacy, and Economic Planning in Fichte’s Jena Political Philosophy

Lisa Pace Vetter, Political Science
Project: Political Theory and the Founding of American Feminism

Fan Yang, Media and Communication Studies
Project: Faked in China: Nation Branding, Counterfeit Culture, and the Postsocialist State in Globalization

Rebecca Adelman, Media and Communication Studies
Project: The Shadow Rules of Engagement: Visual Practices, Citizen-Subjectivities, and America’s Global War on Terror

Kathryn Bell, Visual Arts
Project: Mapping Memory: Sherman’s March and America

Amy Bhatt, Gender and Women’s Studies
Project: At Home in Globalization: Gender, Labor and the Migrant Household

Christine Mallinson, Language, Literacy, and Culture
Project: Minding the (Opportunity) Gap: Building Partnerships with Schools of Education to Address Systemic Language-Based Challenges in STEM Education

Marjoleine Kars, History
Project: Gendering Rebellion: Women and the Berbice Slave Uprising, 1763-1764

Susan McCully, Theatre/Gender and Women’s Studies; Eva Muson, Theatre; and Michele Osherow, English/Judaic Studies
Project: Leah’s Dybbuk: Adapting and Revisioning Ansky’s Play through a Feminist Lens

Craig Saper, Language, Literacy, and Culture
Project: Biography of Robert Carlton Brown, 1886-1959

Edward Larkey, Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
Project: Transculture Television in Germany

Elizabeth Walton, Dance
Project: Paul Taylor Revealed: The Man Behind the Dance

Tamara Bhalla, American Studies
Project: Between History and identity: Readers, Recognition and Authenticity in South Asian- American Literature and Community

Christopher Corbett, English
Project: The Borderland of Fable: Myth in the Nineteenth Century American West

Preminda Jacob, Visual Arts
Project: The City Beautiful Movement in Chennai, India: Contemporary Mural Painting Confronts Urban Blight