Additional Funding Support

Faculty Book Manuscript Workshop

Book Manuscript Workshops offer faculty the opportunity to share a nearly complete manuscript with a small audience of experts and receive constructive feedback. The aim of the Workshop is to transform an already excellent scholarly project into an even better publishable book. Faculty will invite three expert readers from outside UMBC to read the full book manuscript (or significant sections) and offer their feedback in both written form and in a 2-3 hour workshop (usually held remotely). Some faculty authors may also wish to include a scholarly press editor in the workshop. Formal guidelines for workshop structure and suggestions for budgeting are available from the Dresher Center.

Faculty Working Groups

Faculty Working Groups are collaborative, interdisciplinary communities of scholars working on humanities projects, research concerns, or matters of public interest. The Dresher Center provides support for the formation of these groups in an effort to promote intellectual exchange and support research activity in the humanities among scholars across campus. Working groups meet regularly and can use their funds to travel to sites or archives, host speakers, explore technologies, create new resources or materials, or other similar activities.