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Tour Baltimore with Dr. Kate: Baltimore's Bridges & Tunnels




July 17, 2024 (All Day Event)


Baltimore is a city surrounded by and, in some areas, literally on top of water. The region depends on our bridges and tunnels to function. the Key Bridge collapse in March of this year reminded us, again, of how important this infrastructure is to our daily lives. What's the status of our other major bridges and tunnels? Join Dr. Kate for a tour of these essential paths, and learn more about the people who build and maintain them, and sometimes lose their lives doing it.

Kate Drabinski is Principal Lecturer in Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies and Director of the WILL+ Program. She is coeditor with Nicole King and Josh Davis of Baltimore Revisited, a collection of essays about the city's history. She is also an avid pedestrian and cyclist who likes to peek over the sides of roads and bridges to see what's down there.

Digital story will be posted by 9am on July 17.