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African Women, Civil Wars, and Peacebuilding

Department of Africana Studies Biennial Intl. Conference


University Center : 312

Date & Time

May 17, 2023, 9:00 amMay 18, 2023 2:00 pm


UMBC's Department of Africana Studies will host an international conference on "African Women, Civil Wars, and Peacebuilding"

The conference will feature a series of talented speakers from around the United States, Canada, Africa, Asia, and Europe will discuss such topics as:

  • Wartime conditions and gendered survival strategies
  • Women, the military, and female combatants
  • Psychology and trauma of wartime rapes, forced motherhood, and stigmatization
  • Displacement, migration, and female refugees
  • Women in pre-war peacemaking and post-war peacebuilding
  • Artistic, creative, literary, and media representations of women's war experiences

Wednesday, May 17, 9am - 4pm

Plenary Session by UMBC Students
  • Jok Abraham Thon, Global Peaceworker Fellow, Shriver Center, and MPS Candidate in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Leadership
  • Juelle Lee, Africana Studies '24
  • Tony Diallo, Africana Studies '24
  • Mahlet Gebre-Egziabher, Political Science '24
Keynote Address
"Women and Peacebuilding in Africa: New Challenges and Possibilites"
Alili Mari Tripp, Vilas Research Professor, Political Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Thursday, May 18, 9am - 2pm

Keynote Address
"Inequality, Conflict, and Peace: Prospects for Women in Post-Pandemic Africa"
Cyril Obi, Program Director, African Peacebuilding Network and Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa program, Social Science Research Council

The conference is free to the public. However, in order to receive the conference meals and materials (Program, bag, name tag, writing pads, pens), you have to pay the conference registration fee.

Register by April 30, 2023